How are you doing? Perhaps you’ve been navigating a lot of feelings lately. Allow me to share the advice I’m giving myself now: It’s okay to be happy.
Give yourself the time you need to feel your feelings. Feel it. Rest. And then do your best to put your best foot forward.
You know that course you want to take, the thing you want to learn, the blog you want to start, the yearning to feel amazing and stronger in your body, or the business you want to start?
It’s almost impossible to have all the bricks stacked perfectly and you have already read and listened to a million books and messages.
I often stop myself from taking another step forward because I think I need to process some more, and more, and more. Well, learning, grieving, processing are part of us, like a friend. It’s part of life and evolving. Invite them all in. Don’t resist them.
AND Don’t stay in your dark corner.
The only thing stopping you is, well, you.
Here’s how you can start: Really dig. Explore creative activities you enjoy. What did you enjoy doing as a kid? Try that!
Don’t let yourself slip into sadness for too long or stagnate because you’re healing.
Celebrate how you get to grow and evolve. Stand up for your soul.
These are the days you also don’t want to forget because you’re growing exponentially!
Have a wonderful day.